Thursday, July 29, 2010

Now with 3.14% more puppylike adorableness!


Basil von Woofles is fond of Skittles Vodka-flavoured dog biscuits, and once trained to be a guide dog. While it is considered to be a rare occupation for a breed so supple, Basil worked his wee doggy fankles off, and tried his very best to be the most outstanding guide dog he can be. Unfortunately, he failed, and during his short period of biscuit-induced confusion was found guilty for defecating on a neighbour's front lawn. Today, you may see Basil von Woofles roaming around town hoping to catch his next big break as the face of a new advertising campaign for lazy people's sneakers.

Lady Basila

The year is 2010. A young night-worker by the name of Lady Basila has been hard at work. Unfortunately, age has slowly caught up with her and she is no longer as supple as she once was. Now, she is forced to lower her price and sell herself for food... she's not cougar bait anymore...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010